PhD Presentation: Production, testing and possible usecases of underwater acoustic beacons

29 Sep 2020
10:30 - 10:50
Hotel Adriatic - Lecture room

PhD Presentation: Production, testing and possible usecases of underwater acoustic beacons

Due to limitations of water, underwater communication and localisation are some of the biggest challenges when talking about underwater robotics. In order to tackle that problem, low-cost, low-power underwater acoustic beacons with acoustic range up to a few hundred meters are being produced. In the lecture, some basic information about underwater acoustic beacons, or pingers, will be presented. First of all, the concept of the pinger will be discussed – how does it work, what is its purpose and what technologies does it rely on? Secondly, the main production and testing challenges will be mentioned. In the end, some possible use cases and test results will be shown.

Breaking the Surface